
Simple binary serializer

This implementation of SBS encoder/decoder translates between SBS types and Python types according to following translation table::

| SBS type | Python type      |
| None     | NoneType         |
| Boolean  | bool             |
| Integer  | int              |
| Float    | float            |
| String   | str              |
| Bytes    | bytes            |
| Array    | list[Data]       |
| Record   | dict[str, Data]  |
| Choice   | tuple[str, Data] |

Example usage of SBS serializer::

import hat.sbs

repo = hat.sbs.Repository('''
    module Module

    Entry(K, V) = Record {
        key: K
        value: V

    T = Array(Optional(Entry(String, Integer)))
data = [
    ('none', None),
    ('value', {
        'key': 'abc',
        'value': 123
encoded_data = repo.encode('Module.T', data)
decoded_data = repo.decode('Module.T', encoded_data)
assert data == decoded_data
 1"""Simple binary serializer
 3This implementation of SBS encoder/decoder translates between SBS types and
 4Python types according to following translation table::
 6    +----------+------------------+
 7    | SBS type | Python type      |
 8    +==========+==================+
 9    | None     | NoneType         |
10    +----------+------------------+
11    | Boolean  | bool             |
12    +----------+------------------+
13    | Integer  | int              |
14    +----------+------------------+
15    | Float    | float            |
16    +----------+------------------+
17    | String   | str              |
18    +----------+------------------+
19    | Bytes    | bytes            |
20    +----------+------------------+
21    | Array    | list[Data]       |
22    +----------+------------------+
23    | Record   | dict[str, Data]  |
24    +----------+------------------+
25    | Choice   | tuple[str, Data] |
26    +----------+------------------+
28Example usage of SBS serializer::
30    import hat.sbs
32    repo = hat.sbs.Repository('''
33        module Module
35        Entry(K, V) = Record {
36            key: K
37            value: V
38        }
40        T = Array(Optional(Entry(String, Integer)))
41    ''')
42    data = [
43        ('none', None),
44        ('value', {
45            'key': 'abc',
46            'value': 123
47        })
48    ]
49    encoded_data = repo.encode('Module.T', data)
50    decoded_data = repo.decode('Module.T', encoded_data)
51    assert data == decoded_data
55from hat.sbs.common import Data
56from hat.sbs.repository import Repository
57from hat.sbs.serializer import (Serializer,
58                                CSerializer,
59                                PySerializer,
60                                DefaultSerializer)
63__all__ = ['Repository',
64           'Data',
65           'Serializer',
66           'CSerializer',
67           'PySerializer',
68           'DefaultSerializer']
class Repository:
14class Repository:
15    """SBS schema repository.
17    Supported initialization arguments:
18        * string containing sbs schema
19        * file path to .sbs file
20        * path to direcory recursivly searched for .sbs files
21        * other repository
23    """
25    def __init__(self,
26                 *args: typing.Union['Repository', pathlib.Path, str]):
27        self._modules = list(_parse_args(args))
28        self._refs = evaluator.evaluate_modules(self._modules)
30    def encode(self,
31               name: str,
32               value: common.Data, *,
33               serializer: type[Serializer] = DefaultSerializer
34               ) -> util.Bytes:
35        """Encode value."""
36        ref = _parse_name(name)
37        return serializer.encode(self._refs, ref, value)
39    def decode(self,
40               name: str,
41               data: util.Bytes, *,
42               serializer: type[Serializer] = DefaultSerializer
43               ) -> common.Data:
44        """Decode data."""
45        ref = _parse_name(name)
46        return serializer.decode(self._refs, ref, data)
48    def to_json(self) -> json.Data:
49        """Export repository content as json serializable data.
51        Entire repository content is exported as json serializable data.
52        New repository can be created from the exported content by using
53        :meth:`Repository.from_json`.
55        """
56        return [parser.module_to_json(module) for module in self._modules]
58    @staticmethod
59    def from_json(data: pathlib.PurePath | json.Data) -> 'Repository':
60        """Create new repository from content exported as json serializable
61        data.
63        Creates a new repository from content of another repository that was
64        exported by using :meth:`Repository.to_json`.
66        """
67        if isinstance(data, pathlib.PurePath):
68            data = json.decode_file(data)
70        repo = Repository()
71        repo._modules = [parser.module_from_json(i) for i in data]
72        repo._refs = evaluator.evaluate_modules(repo._modules)
73        return repo

SBS schema repository.

Supported initialization arguments:
  • string containing sbs schema
  • file path to .sbs file
  • path to direcory recursivly searched for .sbs files
  • other repository
Repository(*args: Union[Repository, pathlib.Path, str])
25    def __init__(self,
26                 *args: typing.Union['Repository', pathlib.Path, str]):
27        self._modules = list(_parse_args(args))
28        self._refs = evaluator.evaluate_modules(self._modules)
def encode( self, name: str, value: Union[NoneType, bool, int, float, str, bytes, bytearray, memoryview, List[ForwardRef('Data')], Dict[str, ForwardRef('Data')], Tuple[str, ForwardRef('Data')]], *, serializer: type[Serializer] = <class 'CSerializer'>) -> bytes | bytearray | memoryview:
30    def encode(self,
31               name: str,
32               value: common.Data, *,
33               serializer: type[Serializer] = DefaultSerializer
34               ) -> util.Bytes:
35        """Encode value."""
36        ref = _parse_name(name)
37        return serializer.encode(self._refs, ref, value)

Encode value.

def decode( self, name: str, data: bytes | bytearray | memoryview, *, serializer: type[Serializer] = <class 'CSerializer'>) -> Union[NoneType, bool, int, float, str, bytes, bytearray, memoryview, List[ForwardRef('Data')], Dict[str, ForwardRef('Data')], Tuple[str, ForwardRef('Data')]]:
39    def decode(self,
40               name: str,
41               data: util.Bytes, *,
42               serializer: type[Serializer] = DefaultSerializer
43               ) -> common.Data:
44        """Decode data."""
45        ref = _parse_name(name)
46        return serializer.decode(self._refs, ref, data)

Decode data.

def to_json( self) -> None | bool | int | float | str | list[ForwardRef('Data')] | dict[str, ForwardRef('Data')]:
48    def to_json(self) -> json.Data:
49        """Export repository content as json serializable data.
51        Entire repository content is exported as json serializable data.
52        New repository can be created from the exported content by using
53        :meth:`Repository.from_json`.
55        """
56        return [parser.module_to_json(module) for module in self._modules]

Export repository content as json serializable data.

Entire repository content is exported as json serializable data. New repository can be created from the exported content by using Repository.from_json().

def from_json( data: pathlib.PurePath | None | bool | int | float | str | list[ForwardRef('Data')] | dict[str, ForwardRef('Data')]) -> Repository:
58    @staticmethod
59    def from_json(data: pathlib.PurePath | json.Data) -> 'Repository':
60        """Create new repository from content exported as json serializable
61        data.
63        Creates a new repository from content of another repository that was
64        exported by using :meth:`Repository.to_json`.
66        """
67        if isinstance(data, pathlib.PurePath):
68            data = json.decode_file(data)
70        repo = Repository()
71        repo._modules = [parser.module_from_json(i) for i in data]
72        repo._refs = evaluator.evaluate_modules(repo._modules)
73        return repo

Create new repository from content exported as json serializable data.

Creates a new repository from content of another repository that was exported by using Repository.to_json().

Data = typing.Union[NoneType, bool, int, float, str, bytes, bytearray, memoryview, typing.List[ForwardRef('Data')], typing.Dict[str, ForwardRef('Data')], typing.Tuple[str, ForwardRef('Data')]]
class Serializer(abc.ABC):
11class Serializer(abc.ABC):
13    @staticmethod
14    @abc.abstractmethod
15    def encode(refs: dict[Ref, Type],
16               t: Type,
17               value: Data
18               ) -> util.Bytes:
19        """Encode value"""
21    @staticmethod
22    @abc.abstractmethod
23    def decode(refs: dict[Ref, Type],
24               t: Type,
25               data: util.Bytes
26               ) -> Data:
27        """Decode data"""

Helper class that provides a standard way to create an ABC using inheritance.

def encode( refs: dict[hat.sbs.common.Ref, hat.sbs.common.Ref | hat.sbs.common.NoneType | hat.sbs.common.BooleanType | hat.sbs.common.IntegerType | hat.sbs.common.FloatType | hat.sbs.common.StringType | hat.sbs.common.BytesType | hat.sbs.common.ArrayType | hat.sbs.common.RecordType | hat.sbs.common.ChoiceType], t: hat.sbs.common.Ref | hat.sbs.common.NoneType | hat.sbs.common.BooleanType | hat.sbs.common.IntegerType | hat.sbs.common.FloatType | hat.sbs.common.StringType | hat.sbs.common.BytesType | hat.sbs.common.ArrayType | hat.sbs.common.RecordType | hat.sbs.common.ChoiceType, value: Union[NoneType, bool, int, float, str, bytes, bytearray, memoryview, List[Union[NoneType, bool, int, float, str, bytes, bytearray, memoryview, List[ForwardRef('Data')], Dict[str, ForwardRef('Data')], Tuple[str, ForwardRef('Data')]]], Dict[str, Union[NoneType, bool, int, float, str, bytes, bytearray, memoryview, List[ForwardRef('Data')], Dict[str, ForwardRef('Data')], Tuple[str, ForwardRef('Data')]]], Tuple[str, Union[NoneType, bool, int, float, str, bytes, bytearray, memoryview, List[ForwardRef('Data')], Dict[str, ForwardRef('Data')], Tuple[str, ForwardRef('Data')]]]]) -> bytes | bytearray | memoryview:
13    @staticmethod
14    @abc.abstractmethod
15    def encode(refs: dict[Ref, Type],
16               t: Type,
17               value: Data
18               ) -> util.Bytes:
19        """Encode value"""

Encode value

def decode( refs: dict[hat.sbs.common.Ref, hat.sbs.common.Ref | hat.sbs.common.NoneType | hat.sbs.common.BooleanType | hat.sbs.common.IntegerType | hat.sbs.common.FloatType | hat.sbs.common.StringType | hat.sbs.common.BytesType | hat.sbs.common.ArrayType | hat.sbs.common.RecordType | hat.sbs.common.ChoiceType], t: hat.sbs.common.Ref | hat.sbs.common.NoneType | hat.sbs.common.BooleanType | hat.sbs.common.IntegerType | hat.sbs.common.FloatType | hat.sbs.common.StringType | hat.sbs.common.BytesType | hat.sbs.common.ArrayType | hat.sbs.common.RecordType | hat.sbs.common.ChoiceType, data: bytes | bytearray | memoryview) -> Union[NoneType, bool, int, float, str, bytes, bytearray, memoryview, List[Union[NoneType, bool, int, float, str, bytes, bytearray, memoryview, List[ForwardRef('Data')], Dict[str, ForwardRef('Data')], Tuple[str, ForwardRef('Data')]]], Dict[str, Union[NoneType, bool, int, float, str, bytes, bytearray, memoryview, List[ForwardRef('Data')], Dict[str, ForwardRef('Data')], Tuple[str, ForwardRef('Data')]]], Tuple[str, Union[NoneType, bool, int, float, str, bytes, bytearray, memoryview, List[ForwardRef('Data')], Dict[str, ForwardRef('Data')], Tuple[str, ForwardRef('Data')]]]]:
21    @staticmethod
22    @abc.abstractmethod
23    def decode(refs: dict[Ref, Type],
24               t: Type,
25               data: util.Bytes
26               ) -> Data:
27        """Decode data"""

Decode data

class CSerializer(hat.sbs.Serializer):
11class CSerializer(common.Serializer):
12    """Serializer implementation in C"""
14    def encode(refs, t, value):
15        if not _cserializer:
16            raise Exception('implementation not available')
18        return _cserializer.encode(refs, t, value)
20    def decode(refs, t, data):
21        if not _cserializer:
22            raise Exception('implementation not available')
24        return _cserializer.decode(refs, t, memoryview(data))

Serializer implementation in C

def encode(refs, t, value):
14    def encode(refs, t, value):
15        if not _cserializer:
16            raise Exception('implementation not available')
18        return _cserializer.encode(refs, t, value)

Encode value

def decode(refs, t, data):
20    def decode(refs, t, data):
21        if not _cserializer:
22            raise Exception('implementation not available')
24        return _cserializer.decode(refs, t, memoryview(data))

Decode data

class PySerializer(hat.sbs.Serializer):
 8class PySerializer(common.Serializer):
 9    """Serializer implementation in Python"""
11    def encode(refs, t, value):
12        return bytes(_encode_generic(refs, t, value))
14    def decode(refs, t, data):
15        value, _ = _decode_generic(refs, t, memoryview(data))
16        return value

Serializer implementation in Python

def encode(refs, t, value):
11    def encode(refs, t, value):
12        return bytes(_encode_generic(refs, t, value))

Encode value

def decode(refs, t, data):
14    def decode(refs, t, data):
15        value, _ = _decode_generic(refs, t, memoryview(data))
16        return value

Decode data

DefaultSerializer = <class 'CSerializer'>